District Service Positions

The District is always seeking new members who are looking for service opportunities.  Please talk with your group’s GSR, the DCM or come to a district business meeting to ask how you may help the district and other alcoholics.  Below are brief position descriptions.  More info can be found in “The AA Group” pamphlet and the AA Service Manual.

District Service Committee

The DCM’s job is primarily that of two-way communication. The DCM gets reports from the group level through GSRs and through frequent personal contacts with the groups of the District. The DCM helps the Conference Delegate cover an area that the Delegate could not otherwise cover (on a group-by-group basis). For more information, see page 13 of the Service Manual and the pamphlet Your D.C.M.

The Alternate DCM is a backup for the regular district committee member. If the latter resigns – or for any reason is unable to serve – the alternate steps in and should be kept up to speed by the DCM on all issues pertaining to the District. See page 16 of the Service Manual.

The Secretary maintains accurate meeting minutes of District business meetings and keeps accurate and up-to-date listings of District officers (GSRs, committee heads, DCM, etc.).

The treasurer is responsible for receiving, dispersing, and reporting on funds on behalf of the District. These revenues are generated by donations from the groups. Funds are dispersed as directed by the District Service Committee.

General Service Representatives (GSR’s)

Elected by home groups, the GSR is the link between the group and “A.A. as a whole.” This link becomes a channel through which news, information, opinions and ideas can flow back and forth. Importantly, this also gives the group a voice in the affairs of the Fellowship. The GSR is that voice. Reference GSR pamphlet.


The Treatment Coordinator facilitates communication between volunteers carrying the message of recovery into District treatment facilities.

The Corrections Coordinator facilitates communication between volunteers taking A.A. meetings into the various district correctional facilities.

The PI Committee carries the message of recovery by informing the general public about the Alcoholics Anonymous program by getting in touch with the media, schools, industry, and other organizations to report on the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics.

The CPC Committee informs professionals and future professionals about A.A. – what we are, where we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do. They attempt to establish better communication between A.A.’s and professionals, and to find simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating.

The webmaster maintains the district website and serves as the point of contact for keeping our meeting list up-to-date.  

The Accessibilities Committee carries the AA message and information about the fellowship to those who are blind or visually impaired, deaf or hearing impaired, chronically ill or homebound, and those with limited reading skills. Committee members explore, develop and offer alternatives to make the AA message and participation in our program available to everyone who reaches out for it.


Gathers and maintains historical material about the fellowship. This material consists of pictures, books, articles, buttons and Grapevine, and shares these historical documents at conventions and meetings.

The Grapevine Representative is responsible for the general state of awareness of the Grapevine offerings on the group and District levels.  The role is chiefly one of promoting Grapevine subscriptions by individuals and groups as well as presenting the myriad of other material, CD’s and the like that the Grapevine produces.

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